新增项目 addition of new events
当日在瑞士洛桑举行的国际奥委会执委会会议通过了有关北京冬奥会项目设置的方案。新增的7个小项为女子单人雪车(women’s mono-bobsleigh)、短道速滑混合团体接力(short track mixed relay)、跳台滑雪混合团体(ski jumping mixed team event)、自由式滑雪大跳台(男子、女子)(freestyle skiing big air for men and women)、自由式滑雪空中技巧混合团体(aerials mixed team event)和单板滑雪障碍追逐混合团体(snowboard cross mixed team event)。
"The addition of these new events for Beijing 2022 reflects our continued commitment to make the Olympic Games programs more youthful and gender balanced," said IOC Sports Director Kit McConnell.
With no new venues or fields of play needed for the new events, the program is in line with recommendations set out in Olympic Agenda 2020 and is another step to reducing the overall size of the Games.
Beijing 2022 will see more female athletes and women's events than any other Winter Olympics, with female quota positions increasing from 41 percent to 45.44 percent.